Weatherite Group

Weatherite Air Conditioning UK’s leading manufacturer for Tailor made HVAC equipment Over 50 years’ expertise in developing state of the art, highly reliable, advanced, air movement solutions Weatherite Air Conditioning Ltd has established itself as one of the UK leaders in the design and manufacture of innovative, energy efficient, low carbon, high quality Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) equipment for all sectors of industry. Rather than supplying an ‘off-the-shelf ’ product, which may or may not offer the right solution, we design and build tailor made equipment - to meet the clients exact requirements. This expertise, gained over the past 50 years, means we can deliver highly advanced, innovative cooling and air movement solutions - meeting our customers’ exact requirements every time. Energy efficiency, sustainability and the reduction of carbon emissions are high on almost every company’s agenda these days and we continually look at ways of reducing energy usage whilst also looking at ways of helping reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions. Continual investment in the latest technologies, designs and materials ensures we continue to deliver the very latest in HVAC solutions as efficiently as possible. 4