'AdTec- I' Indirect Adiabatic Cooling

'AdTec- I' Indirect Adiabatic Cooling
Virtually everything that happens online originates from within some form of data centre and, with the growing technologies such as AI, loT, VR, Blockchain, Bitcoin, Gaming, E-Commerce, Edge Computing, Robotics, 5G, etc, the need for new data centres looks set to continue for many years to come.
Operating 24/7 these data centres consume vast amounts of energy and generate significant levels of heat – and this heat needs to be effectively controlled to ensure the safe, energy efficient, reliable and continual operation of the mission critical IT facilities housed within them.
Indirect free cooling, in combination with adiabatic cooling, can deliver substantial benefits when looking for a data centre cooling solution.
As one of Europe’s leading independent manufacturers of energy efficient, packaged cooling equipment, all our data centre cooling solutions are designed to meet the exact requirements of each individual data centre.
As part of our continual research and development programmes, we’ve developed a unique Indirect Adiabatic Cooling Solution that delivers exceptional cooling capabilities whilst also delivering substantial energy savings and minimising carbon emissions.
Introducing the new ‘AdTec-i’ range of Indirect Adiabatic Cooling Solutions.
Unique ‘Fully Packaged’ indirect adiabatic solution -offering extensive design benefits over other solutions
Utilises the principles of both free cooling and adiabatic cooling
Can substantially reduce or even eliminate the need for mechanical cooling
Flexible modular design-to suit each individual data centre
Extremely low water consumption
Heat transfer achieved using fluid to air heat exchangers
Extremely low annual operating costs due to unique design
100% ‘Indirect’ solution (totally separate air paths – no cross over)
Adiabatic cooling provided by mains water and re-used, if not evaporated
High efficiency EC Fans on both data hall and heat rejection side
Extremely low pPUE
Adiabatic cooling effect generated by wetted pads – rather than spray-based system – therefore, no need for legionella notification testing
Year round or partial free cooling – delivering substantial energy savings
Low airside pressure drops-improving fan efficiencies even further
No need for RO mains water treatment
Incorporating latest control technology and software algorithms
Range of special coatings and interiors for extreme environments
Capacities from 50kW up to 200kW
Quality as standard
Manufactured in the UK
Lower capital costs compared to other adiabatic solutions
Low water consumption
Utilisation of ‘mains supply’ water- no requirement for ‘reverse osmosis water treatment’
If adiabatic element is not required, a by-pass damper opens to reduce ‘air-side’ pressure drop-thereby reducing fan power usage and associated energy costs
No legionella concerns – due to innovative design
A more flexible design – compared to other solutions
Extremely low carbon footprint
No water tower requirement
Flexibility built into our ‘packaged’ design – ensuring we deliver exactly the right configuration
Longer maintenance intervals
Maintenance does not interrupt IT operations
Quality as standard – over 47 years delivering bespoke cooling solutions
For comprehensive product details please download a copy of our brochure or call 0121 665 2266, email sales@weatheritegroup.com or use our enquiry form.