'AdTec-d' Direct Adiabatic Cooling

'AdTec-d' Direct Adiabatic Cooling
Direct free cooling is already established as a proven, highly effective way of cooling data centres whilst also lowering energy costs, carbon emissions and capital expenditure. With the addition of adiabatic technology, data centres can usually be cooled all year round without the need for supplementary mechanical cooling.
Weatherite’s range of Direct Adiabatic Cooling units incorporate a proven, tried and tested adiabatic system that draws heat from the air by a natural evaporative process, producing a significant temperature drop-in excess of 10 degrees C during peak summer temperatures. In many locations around the globe, this can have a massive effect on energy usage which would normally be used for supplementary mechanical cooling.
Direct outside air cooling, with adiabatic supplementary cooling, can negate the need for mechanical refrigeration – reducing capital expenditure even further and lowering running and maintenance costs.
- Environmentally friendly, sustainable cooling solution
- No refrigerants – uses natural, outside air Adiabatic cooling process
- Tried and tested Adiabatic wetted cooling pad solution
- EC fan technology – low energy, variable speed drive
- Low carbon and energy use
- Smart controls
- Low running and maintenance costs
- Substantial energy savings
- Low running and maintenance costs
- Low capital costs
- Environmentally friendly, sustainable cooling method
- Exploits the absolute maximum amount of free cooling available
- Reduced PUE
For comprehensive product details please download a copy of our brochure or call 0121 665 2266, email sales@weatheritegroup.com or use our enquiry form.